Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Marketing Your Cleaning Business With Flyers

Here's an economical way to advertise to the best neighborhoods in your city. The system outlined here works great for any carpet cleaning, window cleaning, maid service, or pressure washing business.

I get many emails from guys who want to know if passing out flyers will work. They read that I've had success with it and wonder how. Almost everyone has tried passing out flyers at one point. I always hear, "It used to work 10 years ago, but now it just doesn't work any more."

Yes, it may have gotten more difficult. Consumers are getting wiser. A flyer without selling power won't bring you any new clients. Homeowners want to know more than how cheap you are. They are skeptical about bait-and-switch advertising that is prevalent in the cleaning industry. It's up to you to change their mind when you put a flyer on their doorknob.

Marketing Your Cleaning Business With Flyers

First, keep in mind flyers are a cheap way to advertise. This isn't necessarily a good thing. In fact, I usually recommend steering away from cheap ways to advertise because your prospect can view you as cheap. They WILL view you as cheap if all you do is put a piece of paper on their mailbox or a run-of-the-mill door hanger on their door.

You have to do something different. If you're going to use flyers, they have to be something extraordinary. One of the most profitable flyers we've used appears like a folder that sits on a doorknob. Many clients have told me, "I got your nice little information folder." They didn't look at it like some cheap flyer.

Other times, we've put a salesletter, brochure, magnet, and business card in a plastic door hanger bag. In this case, the prospect views it as a package left on the doorknob. If you're going to bother to go out and walk door to door, put something nice on the door. Use full color printing with attention getting pictures. Or, if you use black and white print, make sure it's on a heavy piece of colored paper. You want something that will look good as well as feel good in their hands.

Try using an exclusive offer just for homeowners in a particular neighborhood. Or, use a limited time offer due to a slow week, holiday offer, FREE trial offer, or an offer based around something going on in your city in your flyer. Create a great offer, but also tell how you're unique. Write your flyer with a particular target client in mind.

This is important: When you pass out the flyers, wear your company shirt that identifies who you are. Sometimes people will want to speak with you. NEVER, EVER place a flyer on a mailbox. Stress this to anyone who passes flyers out for you. Then, spot-check the neighborhood to make sure they did it how you asked. It's actually a federal offense to place anything inside or on a mailbox. Plus, it looks unprofessional.

Use flyer advertising as a way to keep your employees busy on a slow afternoon. It can reap a harvest of many clients to come.

Marketing Your Cleaning Business With Flyers
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John Braun is a copywriter with Hitman Advertising. John started a carpet cleaning company while majoring in advertising so he could practice his advertising skills. He grew his company to one of the most profitable cleaning firms in his area. Now, he teaches cleaners to STOP wasting money and start getting all the profit possible. John offers copywriting services to cleaning companies. He creates highly profitable salesletters, postcards, newspaper ads, radio commercials, and flyers. He can create one for you.

John also offers a complete advertising package called the SECRETS TO PROFITABLE ADVERTISING. Go to the link below for more details.

"Get Your FREE Copy of John's Advertising Planning System That Makes Him ,247 For Every 0 Spent On Ads." To Get Your Copy FREE -- visit

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

e-Marketing Strategy: 7 Dimensions to Consider (the e-Marketing Mix)

What is e-Marketing?

e-Marketing is still quite a controversial subject to talk about, since no one succeeded to unify the various theories around it; however there is one thing upon which there is no doubt - that e-Marketing first appeared under the form of various techniques deployed by pioneer companies selling their products via the internet in the early 90's.

The frenzy around these new marketing techniques created by e-tailers and supported by the internet rapidly gave birth to a new dimension of what we knew as Marketing: the e-Marketing (electronic Marketing).

e-Marketing Strategy: 7 Dimensions to Consider (the e-Marketing Mix)

There are many definitions to what e-Marketing is, the simplest and shortest one being formulated by Mark Sceats: e-Marketing is Marketing that uses the internet as manifestation media. A working definition is that coming from a group of CISCO specialists: e-Marketing is the sum of all activities a business conducts through the internet with the purpose of finding, attracting, winning and retaining customers.

e-Marketing Strategy

The e-Marketing Strategy is normally based and built upon the principles that govern the traditional, offline Marketing - the well-known 4 P's (Product - Price - Promotion - Positioning) that form the classic Marketing mix. Add the extra 3 P's (People - Processes - Proof) and you got the whole extended Marketing mix.

Until here, there are no much aspects to differentiate e-Marketing from the traditional Marketing performed offline: the extended Marketing mix (4 + 3 P's) is built around the concept of "transactional" and its elements perform transactional functions defined by the exchange paradigm. What gives e-Marketing its uniqueness is a series of specific functions, relational functions, that can be synthesized in the 2P + 2C+ 3S formula: Personalization, Privacy, Customer Service, Community, Site, Security, Sales Promotion.

These 7 functions of the e-Marketing stay at the base of any e-Marketing strategy and they have a moderating character, unlike the classic Marketing mix that comprises situational functions only. Moderating functions of e-Marketing have the quality of moderate, operate upon all situational functions of the mix (the classic 4 P's) and upon each other.

1. Personalization

The fundamental concept of personalization as a part of the e-Marketing mix lies in the need of recognizing, identifying a certain customer in order to establish relations (establishing relations is a fundamental objective of Marketing). It is crucial to be able to identify our customers on individual level and gather all possible information about them, with the purpose of knowing our market and be able to develop customized, personalized products and services.

For example, a cookie strategically placed on the website visitor's computer can let us know vital information concerning the access speed available: in consequence, if we know the visitor is using a slow connection (eg. dial-up) we will offer a low-volume variation of our website, with reduced graphic content and no multimedia or flash applications. This will ease our customer's experience on our website and he will be prevented from leaving the website on the reason that it takes too long to load its pages.

Personalization can be applied to any component of the Marketing mix; therefore, it is a moderating function.

2. Privacy

Privacy is an element of the mix very much connected to the previous one - personalization. When we gather and store information about our customers and potential customers (therefore, when we perform the personalization part of the e-Marketing mix) a crucial issue arises: that of the way this information will be used, and by whom. A major task to do when implementing an e-Marketing strategy is that of creating and developing a policy upon access procedures to the collected information.

This is a duty and a must for any conscious marketer to consider all aspects of privacy, as long as data are collected and stored, data about individual persons.

Privacy is even more important when establishing the e-Marketing mix since there are many regulations and legal aspects to be considered regarding collection and usage of such information.

3. Customer Service

Customer service is one of the necessary and required activities among the support functions needed in transactional situations.

We will connect the apparition of the customer service processes to the inclusion of the "time" parameter in transactions. When switching from a situational perspective to a relational one, and e-Marketing is mostly based on a relational perspective, the marketer saw himself somehow forced into considering support and assistance on a non-temporal level, permanently, over time.

For these reasons, we should consider the Customer Service function (in its fullest and largest definition) as an essential one within the e-Marketing mix.

As we can easily figure out, the service (or assistance if you wish) can be performed upon any element from the classic 4 P's, hence its moderating character.

4. Community

We can all agree that e-Marketing is conditioned by the existence of this impressive network that the internet is. The merely existence of such a network implies that individuals as well as groups will eventually interact. A group of entities that interact for a common purpose is what we call a "community" and we will soon see why it is of absolute importance to participate, to be part of a community.

The Metcalf law (named after Robert Metcalf) states that the value of a network is given by the number of its components, more exactly the value of a network equals the square of the number of components. We can apply this simple law to communities, since they are a network: we will then conclude that the value of a community rises with the number of its members. This is the power of communities; this is why we have to be a part of it.

The customers / clients of a business can be seen as part of a community where they interact (either independent or influenced by the marketer) - therefore developing a community is a task to be performed by any business, even though it is not always seen as essential.

Interactions among members of such a community can address any of the other functions of e-Marketing, so it can be placed next to other moderating functions.

5. Site

We have seen and agreed that e-Marketing interactions take place on a digital media - the internet. But such interactions and relations also need a proper location, to be available at any moment and from any place - a digital location for digital interactions.

Such a location is what we call a "site", which is the most widespread name for it. It is now the time to mention that the "website" is merely a form of a "site" and should not be mistaken or seen as synonyms. The "site" can take other forms too, such as a Palm Pilot or any other handheld device, for example.

This special location, accessible through all sort of digital technologies is moderating all other functions of the e-Marketing - it is then a moderating function.

6. Security

The "security" function emerged as an essential function of e-Marketing once transactions began to be performed through internet channels.

What we need to keep in mind as marketers are the following two issues on security:

- security during transactions performed on our website, where we have to take all possible precautions that third parties will not be able to access any part of a developing transaction;

- security of data collected and stored, about our customers and visitors.

A honest marketer will have to consider these possible causes of further trouble and has to co-operate with the company's IT department in order to be able to formulate convincing (and true, honest!) messages towards the customers that their personal details are protected from unauthorized eyes.

7. Sales Promotion

At least but not last, we have to consider sales promotions when we build an e-Marketing strategy. Sales promotions are widely used in traditional Marketing as well, we all know this, and it is an excellent efficient strategy to achieve immediate sales goals in terms of volume.

This function counts on the marketer's ability to think creatively: a lot of work and inspiration is required in order to find new possibilities and new approaches for developing an efficient promotion plan.

On the other hand, the marketer needs to continuously keep up with the latest internet technologies and applications so that he can fully exploit them.

To conclude, we have seen that e-Marketing implies new dimensions to be considered aside of those inherited from the traditional Marketing. These dimensions revolve around the concept of relational functions and they are a must to be included in any e-Marketing strategy in order for it to be efficient and deliver results.

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Otilia Otlacan is a young certified professional with expertise in e-Marketing and e-Business, currently working as independent consultant and e-publisher. She developed and teach her own online course in "Principles of e-Marketing" and is also a volunteer Economics teacher.

You can contact her via her personal website at [] or check out her latest developing Marketing resources project at

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Copywriting: Drafting Rules for Professionals

As a professional contractor who wears many hats, you owe it to yourself and your clients to be as organized as possible. In a previous article, I discussed the importance of delivering an organized draft that your co-creators can easily work from. Following are some suggestions for freelance copywriters who wish to streamline their copy submission process and ensure a crisp, clean draft every time.

General Copy Drafting Rules

1. Do not deviate from the standard fonts, Arial or Times New Roman, 10 or 12 point.

Copywriting: Drafting Rules for Professionals

2. Submit all copy with ONE SPACE after a period, NOT TWO.

3. Save all copy drafts as a Word document.

4. Make sure that SMART QUOTES and all "autoformatting" is shut off before typing your copy into a fresh Word document. That means NO auto indents, NO auto bullets, NO fraction symbols, etc.

5. Use BOLD, ITALIC or UNDERLINE where necessary. You may also html tag these as so bold if the client has requested it.

6. Every draft should be spellchecked by computer and by eyeball.

Setting Up Your Copy Draft

Develop a Standard Copy Draft Template. Use this template to set up each initial copy draft you create. Be sure to include the following:

A Header that lists:

1. The client's name or company name

2. The author (your name)

3. Today's date

4. Project description

5. Draft Number

A Footer that includes the page number.

(To add page numbers, go the top menu and click INSERT and then PAGE NUMBERS.)

When creating a new document, follow the drafting process as outlined below.

1. Open up the Copy Draft Template on your desktop

2. Immediately do a Save-As and rename the document as follows:


In this naming conventention, the three Xs represent the first three letters of the client's company name. The label "descrip" should be replaced by a qualifier. "DraftX" will be the draft number.

Sample filename for "Rocky's Hot Wings" menu copy, draft number two:


In creating additional revised drafts of this copy, use an identical file naming format, replacing only the X value at the end of the filename.

Note: If for some reason you don't have access to your Standard Copy Draft Template, you can create your own document from scratch provided the following is included:

Before you being typing, "prep your document" by doing the following:

1. Turn off the SMART QUOTES feature.

The reason for this is because HTML and PDFs do not interpret curly quotes and curly single quotes or apostrophes correctly. This will CORRUPT your text with weird-looking symbols throughout.

Despite what your college professor may have told you, MAKE SURE YOU USE STRAIGHT QUOTES (") AND FOOT MARKS(') in all of your copy drafts for any client jobs.

2. Turn off all AUTO FORMATTING.

Auto formatting is of absolutely no use to someone who plans to format text into their own style sheets or graphic design. It is more trouble than it's worth so DO NOT hand in formatted text of any kind.

Do not tab, bullet, auto-number, auto-correct, auto-cap, make fractions out of or otherwise format your text.

Label Your Sections

While not every project will require you to divide it into sections, items such as e-book copy, catalog copy and web copy will. If you're working on something that will be presented visually in pieces, label each section of your copy with an appropriate descriptor. Use a BOLD font or some other qualifier to indicate section descriptions.

Note: your section descriptors should not be confused with your headlines. Do something "different" to the section descriptors and apply that treatment uniformly throughout the piece. For example, if your headlines are bolded already, you may want to ALL-CAP your section headers to eliminate confusion.

For example, if you're writing web copy, you might title your descriptors as so:






You can also label your headlines and subheadlines so that whoever is picking up your copy can be sure of how to lay it all out. For example:


Headline: Web Copywriting Basics

Subhead: Master the Tricks the Pros Use

Formatting "Lists"

Some projects such as taglines, banner ad ideas and headline brainstorms will require that you submit them in list format.

Type your lists at 12 point and don't skip a line between each listing. The customer will likely be paying by the page, so he'll want his money's worth of creative input.

Editing An Existing Draft

You may be required to edit a draft occasionally that someone else will make changes to. If this is the case, use the Track Changes feature in Microsoft Word. As you edit, your "suggested" revisions will show up in the document as crossouts, replaced text and word additions in a different color than the original text.

You may also be required to make the final revisions on a document that has already been edited with the Track Changes feature. If this is the case, open the document on your desktop, do a Save As, and rename the document to the next consecutive draft number.

You will have to go up to the Track Changes menu again and uncheck the boxes so that you'll be able to make your revisions without "crossouts" and colored edits showing up.

After you've shut off this feature, implement the requested changes as per normal draft creation. Don't forget to SAVE every few minutes!

Preparing a Document for Email Transmission

Note: Before you send your copy draft document, be sure that it's saved as a Word document on your desktop and not in your Temp folder. If you leave it in the Temp folder and then make draft revisions, you can count on losing track of where those revisions are later. They may even be deleted accidentally!

After saving your document to the desktop, attach it to an email message with appropriate intro text.

Your email subjectline should be titled to reflect the client name, project description and draft number.

Sample Email Subjectline:

Rocky's Hot Wings Menu Copy Draft 1

When you make future revisions and subsequent drafts of this client's copy, retain the identical email subjectline and delete the "RE:" from the subjectline, as this will mess up the sorting of your emails in your inbox as well as tick off the person who is on the receiving end of the work.

Your next draft of this same file should be named:

Rocky's Hot Wings Menu Copy Draft 2

At some point you may want to ask questions, qualify what you wrote, make a suggestion or otherwise comment along with copy you submit. The ideal place to do this is in the email itself, as a brief memo. Be sure to include your contact information such as email address and phone number at the bottom of the email for quick reference.

Storing Your Files

For your own peace of mind, it's wise to store existing drafts in their own properly labeled folders on your Desktop or wherever you prefer to keep your work files. You never know when a client will want to go back to "square one" and if you know where square one is located you can save yourself a lot of anguish.

If you have any questions about setting up, submitting or sending copy drafts, please contact Dina Giolitto, Copywriting Consultant, at

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Friday, December 7, 2012

Cleaning Service Flyers to Advertise Your Small Cleaning Business

Whether you are a new or existing cleaning service provider you can benefit greatly from service flyers to help boost your advertising campaign. You will especially find them useful as an economic alternative to other mainstream advertising alternatives if you own a micro business or are self employed. We don't all have the business budget of a chain of restaurants but with flyer printing you can get a highly effective marketing method for a reasonable and affordable price.

Here's how flyer printing can help you to create a healthy business growth without breaking your budget.

Using an Effective Design.

Cleaning Service Flyers to Advertise Your Small Cleaning Business

Before you take your finished design to the printing company make sure it adheres to their guidelines and regulations. Make sure you are familiar with their printing specifications such as bleed measurements and resolution. Every printing company is different to make sure you ask if you are unsure. You should also make sure you embed and expand all external images and all type in your design. This will avoid missing pictures and different fonts being printed.

Saving some Money.

Save money on your flyer printing job by ordering bulk to take advantage of the bulk discount offers. Make sure you order well in advance to cut down on speedy delivery costs and choose the lowest delivery postage option. Do not compromise on the quality of your flyer to save money, there are plenty of other ways you can save money without sacrificing things like color printing and professional design.


Distribute your cleaning flyers by any means possible to get the maximum exposure possible in your area. Leave your flyers in places people are likely to read them such as in cafés and bars. Use direct mailing as well as newspaper and magazine inserts. Ask local businesses that also target your group of customers for other services if you can leave your flyers with them. Visit offices and leave flyers in the receptions and with the manager in case they would be interested in your cleaning services. Lastly don't forget to include small businesses, many of these businesses need a helping hand to clean their stores and can provide steady regular business for you.

Find New Customers.

Your distribution methods have brought your business to the customer instead of waiting for them to find you. If your distribution plan was expansive and thorough you will quickly find new potential customers you may not have been exposed to before. Because your flyer design is professional and effective you will also find your conversion rate for turning potential customers into actual customers is also increased. That means many more new customers coming through your door.

Get More Phone Calls.

Because you are getting many more new customers, it stands to reason that you'll get more calls asking for your services from referrals and interested parties. You'll also find that your regular customer base will expand and more people will call for price inquiries and to ask about services or talk about what you have to offer. Create a cleaning service flyer that will take your business to the next level, it's cost-effective, relatively easy to complete, and the rewards are great.

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Chris Barr is an experienced marketing professional and graduate of Christopher Newport University. His areas of expertise include SEO, Direct Mail, Ad Campaigns, Business Development, Copywriting, Product Management, New Vertical Identification, Lead/Pipeline Development, PPC (Google, Yahoo, MSN), Email Campaigns (HTML), Analytics, Technical Writing, PR (press releases, radio, media communications, Organic Search Optimization, Article Writing, Technical Writing, Video and Audio Production, Blogs/Web 2.0/Social Networking, Link Building, MS Windows XP/Vista/Office, ACT!. Chris currently serves as Marketing Director for and may be contacted directly regarding your print advertising needs.

Copyright© 2009 Taradel, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Meaning of XING

When my wife and I took our first trip to California before we moved here, we saw a large population of Asian Americans in San Francisco. We had come West from Massachusetts, partly because the state we lived in felt like it was still attached to a round world, and we were seeking the new flat world.

California fit that more modern heterogeneous model of a flat world state.

As we were driving down to Big Sur, we passed a number of schools where the crosswalk had the letters "XING" stenciled onto the roadway in large white letters.

The Meaning of XING

After seeing them a number of times, I turned to my wife and said "See all those "XING" words in the crosswalks?"

"Yes I have," she answered "and I've been wondering what they mean."

Now by nature, and hopefully nurture as well, I am not a nasty person prone to pranks or wisecracks, put-downs or practical jokes. But for some reason I couldn't resist. Maybe the devil made me do it ...

"Well "XING" is Chinese for "Be Careful". It tells all the Asian American kids who can't speak good English yet that they need to watch out when they cross the road."

"That's really nice. I knew I liked California, they would never do something like that back home."

"That's right," I told her. "Only in California."

For the rest of the trip, every time we passed a school and drove across a crosswalk, we would sing in unison "XING" (sounds like Shing, only hold the end for a few seconds).

Until she finally figured it out. "XING"was nothing more than a shortened version of "CROSSING", like Xmas is a shortened version of Christmas.

After that trip, whenever one of us would fake the other one out, the Faker had the right to say "XING", as in "Gotcha", to the Fakee.

Now what on earth, flat or round, does this have to do with Internet Copywriting?


If you've read this far, you were hooked by the story. And if I was selling "XING" soap or, more likely, a "XING" web marketing scam, you might be well on your way to becoming one of The Converted.

So here's the lesson and the real meaning of "XING".

Great or even good storytelling is one of the most powerful and seductive ways a Copywriter can take control of your mind. So be careful where you put your brain.

If you let a great Copywriter lead you down the garden path, if you give your self over to someone's compelling story, before you know it you'll be hitting that "Buy Now" button.

Then again, it might just be worth it to pay for the entertainment.

P.S. I'd also bet you won't forget the new meaning of "XING" for a long time.

P.P.S. I also know that if you tried to sing it the way I told you, you'll probably hear it inside your head the next time you drive across a crosswalk marked "XING".

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I am a highly successful copywriter whose work you have more than likely read. I am currently copywriting for my own information products, under the banner of KnowledgeStar, providing advice for The Boomers - from living healthier lives using alternative medicines to making money investing in disruptive technology.

I want to share what I have learned with other aspiring online copywriters and people trying to make money online with web marketing.

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Friday, November 30, 2012

How to Start a Paper Or Essay

All papers and essays are supposed to be answers to a question. That's what they're for. So to start one, the idea is to get clear about what you're supposed to write about, and then see what you have to work with.

Here's what you do.

You find an old envelope and a felt-tipped pen, then grab your jacket, and head out for a walk. You're going to jot some things, but you need distance from the big, scary question you've been asked to write about first. There's something about the gentle distractions on a walk, combined with the safety from office harassment, that calms most of us enough to think about the project at hand. If you'd rather sit in a quiet room to do this, fine. Just be ready to head outside if your thoughts get all tangled up and overwhelming there.

How to Start a Paper Or Essay

Once you feel like you're in your own safe space -- and it may take a long time until your body is through panicking -- have a nice, slow think about the question you've just been asked to write about. If it wasn't asked as a question, you rephrase whatever was said into a question, so you can answer it. If the command to write came to you as, say, 'Discuss trout fishing in Quebec', which isn't a question at all, you rearrange it to say something answerable in specifics, like, 'What things should we know about trout fishing in Quebec?' Or perhaps it's 'Why should people go trout fishing in Quebec?' You decide, or get clarification on what the boss or the teacher wants. Take your time with this. There's no going forward until you're sure about what question you're supposed to answer.

When you're sure about what your eventual reader wants to know, close your eyes and start free-associating. Get ready to jot. Here comes the messy beginning of a good piece of writing. Ask yourself the question once more, out loud if you need to, and watch for absolutely any image or word that appears in your mind. Something will come. As soon as it does, jot it, in 3 or 4 words. Jot it even if it seems silly. Do not repress. Nothing you can think of is wrong or silly. You'll be amazed in the end what your mind can release when it isn't scared or overregulated. (Children are more creative than we are, as a rule, because they're neither scared nor overregulated most of the time.) When the next image or word comes, jot it on its own line, separate from the one that came before. And just keep going. Do this as long as you can. Don't analyse any of it. Don't worry about the order, either. Just let it all splat where it falls. Be patient, be gentle, and have some fun with it.

Now go back to your workspace. Open a word processing document, and name it 'What should we know about trout fishing in Quebec?', or whatever your big, scary question is. At the top of the document, centered, put that question, so you won't forget it. Then down the page, not centered, type out all your jottings, just as you jotted them. Remember to keep each idea on its own line; don't run them together in a big mass.

There! That's the information dump. It's Step One. It may or may not be a lot, but now you have something to work with.

In another article I'll explain what to do if you need to do this with more information than what's in your head. That's where the techniques of researching come in.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Adjective Order - Teach Your Students the Correct Order of Adjectives

Did you know that when more than one adjective is used in a sentence, that they need to be written in a specific order?

Most English speakers, including your students do this automatically. When they speak or write they use what sounds correct to guide the order of adjectives. They know that "the brick last house" sounds odd and can quickly and confidently adjust it to "the last brick house". This is fine for commonly used adjectives.

However, if your students need to use adjectives that are not as common, especially ones that are not used in everyday conversation, it can be very difficult for them to determine what the correct adjective placement is.

Adjective Order - Teach Your Students the Correct Order of Adjectives

Give your students opportunities to explore and practice how adjectives should be placed in a sentence and their skills and confidence will increase.

Here is the correct order for adjectives.

1) OPINION (lovely, useful)

2) SIZE (big, enormous)

3) AGE (mature, ancient)

4) SHAPE (square, oval)

5) COLOR (red, burgandy)

6) ORIGIN (American, English)

7) MATERIAL (wooden, cotton)

8) PURPOSE (typing, sun)

Use these exercises to get your students practicing adjective placement.

1) Write the order of adjectives on the board and ask your students to suggest examples. Write two examples for each type of adjective.

2) Ask your students to copy what you have written on the board and include two more examples for each adjective type.

3) Write 3 or 4 adjectives on the board and ask your students to use all of them in a sentence. Here are some adjectives that you could use (hairy, big, yellow), (cold, silver, English), (roasted, salty, chilli), (fluffy, young, white). This activity could be done a few times.

4) Write 3 or 4 adjectives on the board. Include one or two words that your students will not know. Here are some examples (re-hydrated, orange, African), (dusty, brown, marsupial), (acidic, salty, Greek). Ask your students to look the words that they don't know up in a dictionary and then use all the words in one sentence.

5) Ask you students to find three examples of adjective order in books that they have been exploring in class.

6) Write a sentence on the board that includes at least three adjectives. Ask your students to write the opposite of that sentence. When they do this it will become clear that even though the meaning of the adjectives can change dramatically the order of adjectives stays the same.

For example, "The boy saw the long, dusty, dirt road" becomes "The boy saw the short, clean, concrete road".

Adjective Order - Teach Your Students the Correct Order of Adjectives
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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Example Sales Letter - Five Examples of Persuasive Sales Letter Elements

I'm about to share with you an example sales letter I wrote for a real product, and I'll show you some of the elements I used to "hook" people in to keep reading, and to compel them to buy - which is the ultimate purpose of a sales letter.

Examples you see will help you to write your own sales letters, and it always helps to have a copywriter like myself explain what we're doing so you get a "behind the scenes" look, as it were.

As you read, you might want to follow along with the actual sales letter by clicking the link at the bottom of this article, either now or later, so you can see how these examples all fit together.

Example Sales Letter - Five Examples of Persuasive Sales Letter Elements

Pre-Headline To Reassure

I often use a pre-headline before the main headline, which reassures the visitor that the material to follow is going to be relevant to them, assuming they're my target audience. So the pre-headline in this example sales letter reads, "If you're a writer, ghostwriter, copywriter or article writer..."

The Headline Hook

The purpose of a headline in a sales letter is to grab their attention, and to get them to read the next paragraph. For example: "Here's how to ask for, and get, more money for your writing service right now..."

In this headline, I focused on the biggest benefit of the product, which is to get more money from your writing service. However, it doesn't have to be the biggest benefit, as long as it grabs their attention and compels them to read on. Notice how I also phrased the headline: "Here's how to..." You only get the solution IF you read on!

Paragraphs Of Power

The first two or three paragraphs are critically important, because it's where the visitor will decide whether or not to give you their full attention. So in this example sales letter, I DON'T first talk about myself - instead, I ask the reader three "Have you ever..." questions, examples of which are:

"As a writer, have you ever found yourself frustrated..."
"Have you ever felt you wanted to charge more..."

This gets them involved, and if they answer "Yes!" in their minds to any of these, then I've got them thinking they want to find out more. Then I say, "If you've ever felt or experienced ANY of these things, then pay careful attention to what I'm about to tell you in the next 5 minutes." This gives them a reason to keep reading. Remember, your visitors will read only so long as it's INTERESTING and RELEVANT to them.

The Subheadline Story

My next section immediately starts with a subheadline: "I promise this will help." In fact, I use subheadlines throughout my sales letters, and you'll want to tell the story in your subheadlines too, because many readers will first SKIM THE SALES LETTER to determine whether they want to even bother reading it.

So I always make the subheadlines tell their own story. For example, these are the first four subheadlines in the example sales letter, and notice how they tell a story for the skimmer:

"I promise this will help."
"It's time we did something about it..."
"We face two big problems."
"How to tackle them both, and make more money..."

Each one is also designed to "hook" the reader into wanting to read that section. For example, if you're a sales letter skimmer and you saw, "We face two big problems", you might want to know what those problems are! If so, you'll read the sales letter more carefully.

Bullet Points Build Desire

I consider bullet points to be one of most important aspects of a sales letter, because they are easy to read, and they can "sum up" the benefits and reasons to buy, in an easy to view format.

Each bullet point should highlight a particular feature of your product or service, and the ultimate benefits of having that feature, or the consequences of not having it. For example, here's a bullet point from the example sales letter:

* How Would You Like No Competition? How to COMPLETELY distinguish your writing service from everybody else, so clients want to use YOU, and ONLY YOU! (p44-54)

I have 19 bullet points in that sales letter. Personally, I recommend you have a bullet point for each feature of your product, convert them into benefits, and be sure to make them compelling!

These are some of the critical elements of a good sales letter. It's great to able to see more examples, and to see what goes on "behind the scenes" of writing a persuasive sales letter.

Example Sales Letter - Five Examples of Persuasive Sales Letter Elements
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You can view the example sales letter we've been talking about at

You've seen how I write copy, and now I'd like to share with you free copywriting videos showing you how to quickly and easily write persuasive sales letters. In my video series you'll even see three example sales letters written right in front of your own eyes, so claim your free videos now before I remove them.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Part Time Weekend Jobs - The Highest Paying Weekend Jobs That Almost Any Young Adult Can Perform

If you're a young adult, especially during these tough economic times you understand the need to put some extra spare change into your pocket as you will need it for things such as new clothing, dating, school books or a trip you and your friends are planning on taking, but you don't want to work on school days or nights since you want to have some time to rest and study. There many part time weekend jobs that you can perform with ease and still have the time to study enough to keep your school grades at a reasonably good level. In this article we will discuss a few of those jobs that almost anyone can perform.

One of the best part-time weekend jobs that you can start is a tutorial service, and the best part of this kind of service is that it is very easy to get clients. You can either approach kids in your own school that are a few grades lower than you or you can go to a junior high school or an elementary and ask around to see if any of the kids there are interested in being tutored on a particular subject that they are deficient in. Once you have tutored your first student and they see that they have started getting better grades in their schoolwork they will start passing the word around in their school about your service. This is called "word-of-mouth advertising" and it is the best converting advertisement out there. What is even better about starting a tutoring service is the amount of money that you can make doing this in a very short amount of time. Most tutorial services today are quoted as charging from between - an hour. This is the kind of hourly pay that can make your eyes pop out and if you're really good there will be no shortage of students that you can tutor because most parents are more than willing to pay this much to make sure that their kids can get better grades. Another great aspect of starting a tutoring service is that both you and your student will most likely have the weekend off and this makes scheduling a very easy matter.

Another great job that can make you a good amount of money and also help other people in need is working as a part-time fundraiser. If you have strong communication skills and have always been good at marketing and selling things that maybe you should consider this line of work. If you accept this part time weekend job then expect to put your verbal skills to the test as your job will be to raise funds for this cause by getting people to make donations to it. The most important aspect of this job and the one that will make you or break you is how trustworthy you are as a person and how well you can communicate the worthiness of your cause to the people that will be donating to it. If you are good fundraiser then you can expect to make between and an hour. Imagine a job where you can get paid well, make people feel better and help people in need. I cannot see any job that is more noble than this.

Part Time Weekend Jobs - The Highest Paying Weekend Jobs That Almost Any Young Adult Can Perform

Another good part time weekend job that is for anyone that has good writing skills is to be a freelance copywriter. With freelance copywriting you don't even need to leave your own home to get business leads as there are many online writing message boards that are always requesting the help of an expert copywriter. The best thing for you to do if you are looking for work in this field is to offer a few free articles to get some reviews. Once you get more than 3 to 5 reviews people will start spreading the word about your writing skills and you will be swamped with work. You can expect to make between and dollars an hour depending upon how much you put into it.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

What is SEO Article Writing? - SEO Copywriting Explained

Many freelancers have questions about what is SEO; what is SEO copywriting; what is SEO writing. This article explains - in detail - what this is. And, how to make money from it as a freelance writer.

What is SEO?

SEO is an acronym for the phrase "search engine optimization." Search engine optimization is all about doing specific things to your website to drive more traffic to it so that you can increase online sales - and traffic.

What is SEO Article Writing? - SEO Copywriting Explained

What are some of these "things?"

There are many, but here we will discuss what it is as it applies to freelance writers. And, this means writing text in a certain way so that web surfers (ie, internet users) can land on a particular site.

What is SEO As It Relates to Freelance Writers?

What freelance writers need to be concerned with is keywords. What are keywords? Keywords are the words and phrases that web surfers type in when they search for things online.

For example, let's say you were interested in starting a foreclosure cleanup business. You may not know anything about it other than foreclosures are hot in the news right now and you are interested in starting this kind of company.

So, you log onto your favorite search engine, (eg, Google, Yahoo! MSN, etc.) and type in the keywords "foreclosure cleaning business" or "foreclosure cleaning" or "foreclosure cleanup" or some other relevant keyword phrase.

Note: When you type words into a search engine to find something on the internet, the words you type in are called a keyword (one word) or a keyword phrase (two or more words with commas in between).

How Businesses Get to the Top of Search Engine Results

When you type in these words and hit "ENTER", a bunch of sites pop up and you start to surf (ie, click on the results) and start investigating the sites to see if they have the information you need.

The sites that pop up are the results that search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, et al think are the most relevant to the keyword phrase (aka search phrase) you typed in. Companies pay a lot of money to be among the first two or three pages in the results that search engines return.

Why SEO Copywriters are So In Demand and How They Make Their Money

One of the ways they get to pop up in the first two or three pages of results is to have relevant text that contains the proper keyword phrases. And, this is where you as an SEO copywriter can make a lot of money. You write the text that their site needs to pop up high in search engine results.

Many times, companies will simply give you a bunch of keyword phrases and let you write what you want -- as long as it's a certain length (usually 300-500 words).

There are many freelance writers - hundreds of thousands, if not a few million. BUT, only a tiny minority know what SEO is and how to write this type of copy. And, this is why they're so in demand.

SEO copywriters have an in-demand skill. And, as more and more companies move larger portions of their advertising budgets to internet marketing, there is an even greater demand for their skills.

In the SearcheEngineWatch article, The SEO Copywriter: Wordsmithing the Web, William Flaiz, underscores the importance of an SEO copywriter. He writes:

"The role of the agency SEO copywriter is unique because.... Suddenly, the writer must optimize press releases, craft articles for social news, monitor social network communications, and develop wiki content.... a strong SEO copywriter is adaptable and capable of internalizing a lot of new information extremely quickly. These unique individuals have fast become the backbone of many SEO engagements. If content is king, then they [SEO copywriters] are the kingmakers."

And this is why SEO copywriters can charge a premium for their services. If you're looking for a way to start or maximize your income as an online freelance writer, then SEO copywriting is they way to go.

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About the Author: Yuwanda Black heads New Media Words, an SEO content writing and distribution firm. She is the author of the best-selling ebook, How to Make 0+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. Ms. Black says, "You can work from home as a freelance writer in your PJs, getting assignments via the internet. I do it every day." Learn more about how to start a successful SEO writing career.

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