Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Windows 7 Unknown Device - Why and How to Prevent It?

Like other Windows Operating Systems, Windows 7 Unknown Device is due to similar reasons, mainly because of driver installation problems. Here are several reasons why unknown device problems occur:

Incompatible Drivers:

Due to advancement of technology, problems with hardware devices might arise because of incompatible device drivers. This is due to the fact that an installed OS does not support the device driver requirement for a particular hardware device. This is the most common reason for Unknown Device Problems in Windows 7, as an example: installing a 64-bit driver for a hardware device on a computer running 32-bit Operating System will not work.

Windows 7 Unknown Device - Why and How to Prevent It?

Corrupted Drivers:

Another reason that contributes to Windows 7 Troubles with Unknown Device is corrupted drivers. Just a simple installation of a program or software application may affect the functionality of your device drivers. System or program related errors will also damage your device drivers, and there are malicious programs such as Trojans and computer viruses that corrupt files and data including device drivers.

Missing Device Drivers:

After installing or upgrading your Windows 7 Operating System, you need to install drivers for particular hardware such as printer, sound card or video card. If you fail to install the required device driver, your hardware device will be reported as Windows 7 Unknown Device.

Outdated Drivers:

Device drivers may eventually become outdated due to the newer versions of drivers being released by manufacturers. Some of the dangers of having outdated drivers are: conflict with new software/hardware or it may affect your computer stability. It may also trigger the hardware device using the outdated device driver to stop functioning because of the changes in your system setup induced by new software applications installed on your computer.

Defective Hardware Devices:

You may also encounter Windows 7 Unknown Device due to defective hardware devices. It might occur when your computer is unable to establish proper connection with your hardware device because of loose or damaged cables, connectors, or plugs.

Windows 7 Problems with Unknown Device are troublesome even for experienced PC user, but here are several ways to solve or prevent these problems:

Ensure Compatible Hardware Device:

One way to prevent Windows 7 Problems with Unknown Device is to refrain from using\installing a hardware device which is not supported by Windows, more precisely by Windows 7. Due to the fact that there are device drivers that are not recognized by Windows 7, you might check for "Windows 7 compatibility logos or stickers" before purchasing new hardware devices.

Knowing Your Computers' Capability:

Before downloading a hardware driver and installing it to your computer, you must first check the compatibility of your computer with hardware devices. It is necessary to know the type of your Operating System, if it is a 32-bit or 64-bit to prevent Windows®7 Unknown Device.

Note: Specified 64-bit device drivers will not work on computers using 32-bit Operating System.

Be Updated All the Time:

Built-in device drivers which support various hardware and peripherals are available upon installation of Windows 7. One important concept to remember is that even if you are using the latest version of OS, the drivers are still dated. This means that your current drivers will eventually be outdated in the succeeding weeks or months, and to prevent Unknown Device Problems in Windows 7 due to outdated drivers is to have a regular routine of updating all drivers installed on your computer.

Safeguard Your Hardware Devices:

Checking if the plug is loose or intact, especially with portable devices will help you avoid driver related problems.

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Aside from these precautions, there is another way to cure or prevent most of Windows 7 Unknown Device problems with ease. To learn more how to do it, please visit http://www.unknowndevicedrivers.com.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

How To Set A Selling Price For Your Product Or Service

Fixing the selling price can be based upon a value basis or a cost plus basis with either basis subject to modification according to market conditions. Not exactly scientific and true in all cases but the most profitable businesses tend to be managed by accountants while the best sales growth companies have a sales oriented manager at the helm.

Value basis is used to set selling prices according to the amount the customer will pay for the product and the value of products or services being provided. A strong influence when using a value basis are the benefits a customer will derive from purchasing the product from each business compared with alternative suppliers and the general market rate for that type of product.

Using a value basis that prices products above the general market level requires support and a marketing strategy to demonstrate to the market place the benefits and advantages a prospective client receives. Pricing a product or service below the accepted market price requires to be supported with ensuring as wide an audience as possible is aware of the bargain prices and the reasons why a lower price is being offered.

How To Set A Selling Price For Your Product Or Service

To establish the most profitable level at which selling prices should be pitched it is important to conduct market research to determine the general level of pricing within the product area. Also list the benefits and advantages within the context of other competitive products of the specific products being offered to enable the business to use these factors in support of the price structure adopted.

To maximum level at which value basis prices can be set is dependent upon the value the target customer places on that product or service taking into consideration the quality, service, availability and benefits provided.

Cost based pricing is a financial accounting calculation based upon fixing a gross profit margin that the business requires given the expected sales volume and fixed overhead or operating costs to produce a net profit. Normally a sales price set using a cost basis would be the amount paid for the product plus an incremental percentage.

Cost based pricing usually occurs in areas where competition is often working on the same cost basis and by selling similar products and services the volume of sales is sensitive to competitive prices. Market research should establish the range of competitive prices.

There are a number of influences that impact on setting the selling price of a product in addition to the cost and competition. Sales location, added values, buying policy, operational costs and others all require factoring into the calculation. Business size also has an influence as small business accounting is less sophisticated than accounting and financial control in larger businesses.

The tow single most important factors in setting the selling price of a product or service to generate the highest profit margin attainable are the competition and the original cost of the product.

In many cases the existing competition has already set a price for the product. Each business has to decide whether to accept this price according to the expected volume and the gross profit margin generated or charge a higher or lower price with the consequential effect on sales volume.

The purchase price paid drives the competitive edge. Larger business have greater opportunities to buy in larger quantities and obtain cheaper prices and many high volume businesses will search to source products from overseas markets to obtain even cheaper products.

If the purchase price paid by competitors is low then that cost must be either matched by adopting similar business practises or the products sold into a niche area of the market where more flexible prices can be obtained at the required volume to generate the gross margin required to cover fixed operating costs and achieve the target net profit.

Different prices can be set for different customers to exploit higher profit margins where possible and achieve higher volumes in market conditions where the price has a major influence on quantities bought. A manufacturer will often set different prices for each customer dependent on volumes purchased and the negotiation skills of the client purchasing function.

Market conditions often determine a range of pricing policies including offering quantity discounts for higher volumes, cash discounts for faster settlement, lower than normal prices to allow a market to be penetrated and established more easily and higher than normal prices in situations where supply may exceed demand. The accounting software or bookkeeping system employed should identify gains and losses due to different pricing structures.

The levels of supply and demand may change over time and a flexible pricing policy to take advantage of these changes is desirable. It is an economic fact that when demand exceeds supply prices will increase and when supply exceeds demand prices go lower. Failure to react quickly has a major impact on the total gross margin attained.

The overriding decision to be taken on setting selling prices is the amount of gross profit generated by the sales volume of those products in relation to current business policy and fixed operating costs and profit requirements that business needs to achieve and demonstrate through the accounting figures produced by the final bookkeeping reckoning.

From an accounting point of view the sales volume and price of each product should be calculated to determine the previous gross profit margin attained and planned for the future. The actual or forecast gross profit margins must cover the fixed operating costs of the business or remedial action taken to ensure the business is profitable. Setting prices is a combined decision of the sales and accounting function.

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Terry Cartwright is a qualified accountant in the UK designs Accounting Software on excel spreadsheets providing complete Small Business Software solutions for small to medium sized business requiring simple Bookkeeping templates

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Top Ten Tips for Writing a Professional Overview or Biography

A professional biography or overview, showcasing your background, experience and expertise, is a necessity for every business owner. This often overlooked marketing tool is an excellent way to introduce you and your business to potential clients and possible strategic business partners. Potentially, it might open up opportunities for speaking engagements, radio or television interviews, or a feature print article. While any information about you and your business is helpful, information that is presented in a professional, well-polished manner can make all the difference in how others perceive you. Consider these important points as you craft your own professional biography.

1. One page wonder.

Your professional biography should be a few paragraphs and kept to one page or less. One page is perfect for copying on the reverse side of a handout or flyer. Several paragraphs, left justified make it easier to read and skim.

Top Ten Tips for Writing a Professional Overview or Biography

2. First, second, or third person?

Always write your biography in the third person. That is, refer to yourself by your name or she/he as appropriate. It sounds more professional as it appears that a third party wrote the text. For example, "Alexandra has been featured in the New York Times, Forbes, Newsweek, and Time magazines."

3. Business in brief.

Not only do readers want to know what you do, but also they want to know who you work with - because they might want to work with you! A professional biography should include a sentence or two about your business niche (or niches) as well as the types of clients you serve. A modified version of your 30-second elevator pitch might be perfect.

4. And the winner is....

Make sure that you include a list of awards that you have received. Readers are interested in knowing about your talents and the organizations that recognize you for them.

5. Organizations.

Include names of the organizations, clubs, or associations to which you belong. A reader's interest might be highlighted at seeing that you belong to the same alumni association or professional business group. Again, these connections might possibly lead to some interesting and exciting business opportunities.

6. Certifications and designations.

Include any professional certifications or designations you hold. Make sure you write out their names in full, rather than use abbreviations. Not everyone might know that CMA stands for Certified Management Accountant. And, perhaps, in a different discipline, it might represent something else - like a Certified Materials Analyst. If you no longer hold a particular designation, but it has played a major role in who you are and what you do, don't hesitate to make a reference to it. For example, "Ann is a former Certified Data Processor and spent the last decade as an adjunct faculty member teaching higher mathematics at the University of Colorado, Boulder." Don't include abbreviations of college degrees, like MBAs as it looks unprofessional. The only exception to this would be for a Ph.D. designation.

7. Published?

Have you written any articles, books, e-courses or e-books? Self-published or not, your works add to your level of professionalism and credibility. Showcase them in your biography and you might earn additional royalties in terms of new clients or other opportunities.

8. Did I mention the media?

Have you been a guest on talk radio or television? Were you or your business featured or even mentioned in a newspaper article? If so, readers want to know. Again, these types of "mentions" add to your credibility and presence.

9. Call me any time.

People who want to know about you will read your biography for just that reason. And, if its compelling, rich, and includes the information they're interested, in, they'll want to contact you. Include complete contact information like your title (if any), name, address, telephone, fax, email, and website address. Make it easy to find this information by including it in the last paragraph of your professional overview.

10. Write, rewrite, and do it again.

After you have written your biography, edit, edit, and edit again. You may need to do a dozen or so revisions before you get it just right. Eliminate extra words, use descriptive words, keep the sentences short but varied in length, and write in the third person. Ask some friends to provide input as well. Make sure to revise your biography regularly to keep it up-to-date and refreshed.

Copyright 2004 by Tara Alexandra Kachaturoff.

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Tara Alexandra Kachaturoff is a business consultant, writer, speaker, Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach and producer/host of Michigan Entrepreneur Television. Drawing on over 15 years of corporate experience, she coaches executives, professionals, and entrepreneurs on business and lifestyle issues and has been featured in print, radio and television. Her websites include http://www.virtualleverage.com, http://www.tarakachaturoff.com, and http://www.michiganentrepreneurtv.com

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

After Sale Customer Follow-Up Tips

What do you do after your customer has purchased your product or service? Are missing out on future sales because you are not communicating with your customers and clients?

It's easy to turn these first time buyers into future customers with a little follow-up. Sending out a letter may seem simple, but it can do a lot to bring customers back and get those customers to refer you to new ones.

Most experts recommend at least a 10-10-10 pattern when following up with a customer. Send out your first letter within 10 days. In another 10 days, contact them again. Then in 10 days contact the customer again. If you send a snail mail letter for the first contact, you could use email or telephone for the following two.

After Sale Customer Follow-Up Tips

Always have an offer or some other incentive that is time sensitive included in your letter. This creates a sense of urgency. It will get people to contact you because they don't want to miss out. Use the same offer through all 3 letters with the wording becoming more urgent in each one.

The 10-10-10 method is also recommended for people who are inquiring about your products and services. Statistics bear out that all kinds of companies, who don't get back to people making inquiries, lose a customer. These customers tell other people about the bad service and businesses lose even more potential customers. It seems most businesses do not understand how important this is. It is a great way to make future sales and it also shows that you care about not only your customers, but your potential customers.

So what exactly should you put in your letter? Here are a few things that can be put into the first follow-up letter. The second and third contacts should contain the same information written in a fresh way.

1) A thank you; a heartfelt thank you for choosing your company for their purchase. A little appreciation goes a long way. You don't have to gush, just state your thanks simply and to the point.

"Thank you for allowing us the opportunity of providing a great product to you. I am confident that you will be happy with your purchase and I appreciate your business."

2) A re-enforcement of why choosing your company was a great idea in the first place. This will cut down on "buyer's remorse". Help them to feel their purchase was necessary and buying from you was the only way to go.

3) A time limited offer. Offer them something to complement their original purchase. In the case of a customer who has already purchased your product or service, you could offer them a limited time offer on another one of your products or for your service in the future. Develop a sense of urgency so the customer acts within the "limited time".

Each time you contact the customer, enhance the sense of urgency. The second contact should build on the urgency of the first and so on. The third time you contact them you can even say something like "Only 3 days left to take advantage of this great offer."

4) Refer them to another product or service (not that of a competitor) that would complement their purchase. Suggesting other products shows them you not only care they bought from you, but that they are happy with their purchase. This could be an offering from an affiliate program you belong to so that you can still make money.

5) Ask for referrals. A simple "If you like our service tell others, if you didn't tell us!" might be enough. You can offer a percentage off their next purchase for referring a new customer or a special offer for those they refer.

6) You should include a coupon for your services. You could encourage them to pass it on if they are not going to use it themselves. They may know someone who needs your services and this could mean the difference between their friend purchasing or not.

7) Attach a business card to the letter. This gives the customer something to give to someone else when they tell them about your company. You never know how many times that little card can get passed along.

8) Another option is to send a survey or customer feedback form. Again, offer some incentive to fill it out. It will give you both the bad and the good of the customer's experience with your company. This will give you information to use in your next contact letter.

Contact your customers. Make them loyal customers who keep coming back for more and bring new customers with them.

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Darrell A. Willliams is the owner of Right-Hand-Man Virtual Assistant Services - a Multi-VA team practice. Darrell has over 8 years experience in the administrative support field. He has worked in Canada, the US, and the UK. For more information visit [http://www.righthandmanva.com]

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Top 6 Jobs For 14-15 Year Olds

When you are 14, you may need more pocket money to buy what you like. But ,how can you earn money? so, you must get a job, not only for money, but also for experience. According to Child Labor, it's not so easy to find a job for age under 16. How to find Jobs for 14 Year Olds? if you'd like, I'll tell you the jobs you can get and how to earn money .

Teen Writer

If you are talented in writing, you could be a teen writer. And, you can get paid from magazines or websites. If you are not good at writing, you can practice writing. Write whatever you feel like writing, whether it be teen fiction or anything else. It really doesn't matter what you write, as long as you're writing.

Top 6 Jobs For 14-15 Year Olds

How to start? You can try to start out writing for your school paper (articles, opinions or short stories). You could also try submitting to local writers' club anthologies & teen magazines often have a reader submissions section for poems, short stories, etc. These won't be paying jobs, but they might get you noticed. Also, if you are good at basic copywriting & layout, you can get people to pay you to prep their resumes. You'd be surprised how many people can't manage that on their own.


How can you get a babysitting job? it is not difficult to get one , just give it some time. Make flyers and put them around your church or community. If you have any daycares around your neighborhood you might want to advertise there. Sittercity.com is a great place where you register and parents looking for babysitters look at your profile and can contact you.

In order to be successful in the babysitting business you need to know the following tips, hints, and tricks.When you're ready to go in the babysitting business, don't be afraid to ask questions about the child you will be caring for; always be prepared. Walk through the house and do a safety check. Close the doors to rooms you don't want the children in. Look for hazards such as matches, hanging electrical cords, medications or other things children can get hurt with or get into trouble with. The most important thing is that keep an eye on the kids, and don't get distracted.

Camp Counselor

For getting a job as a camp counselor, you can try your local YMCA.They may still have openings for summer counselors or assistants. Otherwise, go to your neighborhood boys and girls club. It helps to have those certifications and some do require CPR.

Although the minimum age requirement for many camp counselor jobs is 16,but if you do not meet the minimum age requirement to become a summer camp counselor, you might have the opportunity to apply for the counselor-in-training program or junior counselor positions.

As a C.I.T. (Counselor in training), you would be working but not get paid. Or even, you have to pay for your work(not all camps). It seems very unfair, the camp charges you to work there! However,it's a great way to spend the summer instead of sitting home all day, and you will be paid when you are old enough.

Be a Tutor

If you have a good understanding of one subject, you can find a job as a tutor.Try go to your local youth center. Many youth centers pay tutors for math, English, History and Science in their after-school programs.

If you'd like,ask your counselor at school if they pay tutors for after-school programs at your school.

Also, you can advertise on your own and once you get a following the word of mouth referrals will start coming in quickly. You should advertise your offer in places where parents will see the advertisement. The parents are your clients.

Grocery Bagger

More and more supermarkets and grocery have opened up in the past decade. So, they often need many part-time or full time baggers. If you'd like, you can get extra money as a bagger.

Apply to the store or stores you are interested in working at.You can call them, and ask if they need a bagger.Of course,you can also go to store to ask one by one in person.Usually, you will find a job soon.


Find a lifeguard class in your area. Most lifeguard training classes are often offered through the YMCA. If you can't find one, call your local red cross and ask them. If you can't find your local red cross, call a local pool and ask how they go about hiring lifeguards. They may have a private program. If you have a particular place you want to lifeguard, call them first to see if they have any special requirements.

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Wei King is a web administrator of Jobs for 14/15 Year Olds, If you are 14/15 years old, and you want to find a job, watch my articles, these articles will help you.

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Friday, January 4, 2013

Born With The Moon In Scorpio

According to Astrology, the exact location of the moon during the time of your birth determines your emotional reaction to the world around you. While the astrological sun colors your outwardly aggressive actions, the moon dictates your inner, passive or receptive urges. The moon is your "female energy" - she represents the type of nurturing energy you project, and/or the type of mothering you received as a child. Today we will discuss the Moon in Scorpio.

The Scorpio Moon: Joy and Pain

The Moon is literally in its fall, or denouement, in this sign. For this reason, Scorpio Moon folks are known to grapple with themselves on the inside. They typically experience all emotions extremely, deeply and totally - ecstasy, sorrow, elation... and yes, their tempers, when provoked, can be explosive. To complicate matters, Scorpio Moon people regard their own emotions as a source of vulnerability and therefore try to keep their true feelings under wraps. So, it's not surprising that while many Scorpio Moons are traveling this earth feeling everything very intensely, they're also wearing this kind of detached look. After all, if they were to be found out, there would be very grave consequences indeed. What those consequences might be is anybody's guess... but if the Scorpio Moon is the one doing the imagining, it's sure to be quite catastrophic.

Born With The Moon In Scorpio

The Scorpio Moon, in a nutshell: intensity. Intense likes, intense dislikes, intense fascination, intense disgust... and yes, in keeping with the general Scorpio reputation, intense love affairs. This is a very black-and-white, all-or-nothing moon with extremely fixed notions about things. If you're loved by a Scorpio Moon then you are loved fiercely, totally and completely; but if you're despised by a Scorpio Moon, then you may as well not exist. And it's quite possible in dealing with this turbulent moon native that both emotions may be directed at you at different points in this lifetime. If a Scorpio Moon perceives that you have slighted them in some way... better make good immediately, or run and hide until the mood passes, because in all likelihood, revenge is being plotted against YOUR head!

The Scorpio Moon: Offsetting the Drama With Private Relaxation

Scorpio Moon people tend to go through life acting on hunches, "reading between the lines" - picking up subtle nonverbal cues, moods, intentions, underlying messages and such. Indeed, someone with this moon placement may get a very different meaning from the same conversation heard by someone with a more literal and pragmatic mind. This is not only quite distracting to the moon native, but when they react to these perceptions it often leads to undesired consequences and drama. Thus, the irony of the Scorpio Moon; being consumed by the very internal composition one despises in himself, and attracting drama-infused situations as a direct result of trying to avoid them.

A troubled Scorpion Moon person should allow herself some distance from time to time... a private sanctuary where she can sort out her emotions, get a healthy perspective and then emerge from the "cocoon" with renewed inner peace and a higher purpose in mind. Indeed, reflection and meditation feels quite natural to this introspective moon native and is encouraged as a way to take the edge off and temper the extreme moods. A deeply sensitive soul, capable of great courage and strength... there is much room for psychological growth and wisdom to be gained with this lunar positioning.

The Scorpio Moon: A Powerful Force for Good OR Evil

As with any sign, there are both positives and negatives to the Scorpio Moon placement. The sign of Scorpio has been assigned two symbols- the Scorpion and the Eagle. The former, a covert creature who stealths along the ground; and the latter, a symbol of power and might, soaring into the high heavens. Lows and highs... the Scorpio Moon is quite familiar with both states of consciousness... more than most, in fact.

Spiritually evolved Scorpio Moon souls can (and should) harness the gift of their emotional intensity and move proverbial mountains with it. If a Scorpio Moon person is intrinsically good, then that goodness of spirit can manifest itself in divine ways... extreme compassion and generosity toward fellow man, great and unshakeable integrity, impeccably honest conduct in business and personal affairs, and a permanent seat on the side of righteousness and justice. An enlightened Scorpio Moon will pledge his whole self to any and every cause he deems important; profess his undying faith to his family, home, country; and even make the ultimate sacrifice in a lifelong promise to serve God. Yes, this moon placement is often found in religious leaders, as the spiritual aspect is heavily emphasized here.

Less evolved Scorpio moons, on the other hand, are not averse to using abject means to get what they want. The concentration of power in this sign placement has led many a wayward Scorpio lunar native down a dark and devious path of corruption. In direct contrast to their enlightened counterparts; illicit affairs, illegal and underhanded dealings, petty and deceitful behavior, psychological turmoil, and loyalty to no one but themselves are trademark signs of the afflicted Scorpio Moon. Again, this is all due to the fact that Scorpio is in the moon's fall, thus making emotions feel uncomfortable, unnatural and all-encompassing. With the all-or-nothing theme at work, indeed this placement will produce some extreme results.

The Scorpio Moon and Sex

It has been said that sexual impulses drive the Scorpio Moon native moreso than other moon signs, perhaps because they radiate such passion and intensity that they're forever in need of release. The Scorpio Moon is equated with transcendental lovemaking or "soul sex" in which the participants experience an exalted state of consciousness by way of the physical sex act itself. Clearly, while "sexual nirvana" is hardly a day-to-day occurrence, this moon person has been labeled as having an extra potential for such achievements. At the very least, this moon person admits to having a high sex drive, even allowing sex to affect his or her decisions at certain points in life.

The Scorpio Moon as a Nurturer

The Scorpio Moon Nurturer is fiercely protective and psychologically all-consuming. Scorpio Moon Mothers, or "Smothers" as they are sometimes known, must learn to temper their intensity. If the Scorpio lover is possessive in her affairs, the Scorpio mother is equally possessive of her children. It will be her ongoing challenge to "let go." These moon natives must get a reign on that fretfulness that leads to strings of sleepless nights, and interfere less in the daily trials and tribulations of their young sons and daughters. Scorpio Moon Mothers must generally permit themselves to chill out, cool down and back off. An earth-sign or earth moon-sign partner can lend a comforting and grounding effect for the Scorpio nurturer who has let the worrying get out of hand yet again.

Other signature themes and preoccupations of the Scorpio Moon: secrets, mysteries, severity, psychology, power, control, passion, revenge, obsession, loyalty, sex, depth of feeling, ethics, spirituality, solitude, death. No, the Scorpio moon is surely not made of green cheese, but rather some of the most powerful facets of human existence. This lunar native must learn to embrace the reality of his or her own emotions as opposed to running or hiding from them. If the Scorpio Moon person can navigate his or her own spirit to a higher and more exalted place, he will recognize the potential for complete and total happines that lies within himself... and the transformation will be powerful for certain.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

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